Surviving Debt

Available for free on the NCLC Digital Library | National Consumer Law Center, 15th edition, 2024

"A leading resource for over 25 years, this updated 2024 edition of Surviving Debt provides precise, practical, and hard-hitting advice from the nation’s consumer law experts on how to deal with crushing debt affecting millions of Americans."

Alternatives to High-Cost Loans and Policy Solutions to Expand Affordable Options

Press Release: New Report Highlights Alternative Products and Strategies to High Cost Credit (CFA) | December 20, 2022

Report: Alternatives to High-Cost Loans and Policy Solutions to Expand Affordable Options (CFA, Woodstock Institute)

"As federal and state policymakers states consider rate caps to eliminate predatory high-cost loans, debates arise about what alternatives consumers have without these loans. This report provides an overview and analysis of the many alternative products and strategies employed by consumers when high-cost credit is unavailable. In addition, this report spotlights initiatives, products, and resources from throughout the country."

2021 FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Last updated October 25, 2022

"Conducted biennially since 2009 partly in response to a statutory mandate, the survey is administered in partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau and collects information on bank account ownership; use of prepaid cards and nonbank online payment services; use of nonbank money orders, check cashing, and money transfer services; and use of bank and nonbank credit."

Financial Health and Wealth Dashboard

A local picture of residents’ financial well-being | The Urban Institute, October 6, 2022

"City and community leaders from government, philanthropy, and practice can make a difference in residents’ financial lives. They have the tools, policy and program levers, and decision making power to influence financial well-being at the local level and help narrow the racial wealth gap. To help local leaders target their solutions, our dashboard illustrates financial health and wealth across cities and states and by race and ethnicity, where data are available. We looked beyond income to include credit, debt, savings, assets, and wealth. Local solutions can tackle these multiple facets of financial well-being, as well as the structural barriers that created—and continue to reinforce—racial wealth inequities."

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Helping Clients Explore Their Personal Finance Rights


Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), 2022

Always available for you: CFPB en español


"Through CFPB Financial Education Exchange (FinEx), the CFPB offers free publications, tools, and resources to help you work with people in your community who have money questions. We want to help you enhance your clients’ and stakeholders’ knowledge about their rights when it comes to credit, housing, identity theft, and other financial products and services.


We welcome you to check out our prerecorded webinar titled, 'Helping clients explore their personal finance rights.'  The webinar includes four short modules with information you can use to help clients know their rights and call out potential violations."

Watch now: Helping Clients Explore Their Personal Finance Rights



"You’ll see how the people you serve can tell their stories or submit complaints to the CFPB; and you’re encouraged to post the video on your own website and share it with others."


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